Herb Monroe Community Park

The First Presbyterian Church of Paulding (EPC) strongly supported the development of this park in the community.
Dedicated in 2014, the Herb Monroe Community Park commemorates the life of longtime Presbyterian and Paulding resident Herb Monroe, a man who was locally famous for his love of people, dedication to Christ and service to the community.
Herb moved to northwest Ohio in 1941 to manage Paulding-Putnam Rural Electric. Shortly thereafter he and his wife Millie joined the First Presbyterian Church. Over the years Herb invited countless people to join our congregation, served several church offices, and sang in the choir for 70 years.
Herb died in 2011 at the age of 98. His thoughtful words and sense of humor are greatly missed at church and choir practice, at Kiwanis, at the Chamber of Commerce, and at Coffee Club.

Herb Monroe was awarded the Ohio Elder Caregiver of the year in 1997 for the care he gave his wife Millie during her battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Several members from our church traveled to the Governor’s mansion in Columbus to witness Herb receive this great honor from the First Lady Janet Voinovich.